what is a klooker challenge?


A Klooker Challenge is a 5 day course designed to help you take steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle, based around a specific ‘theme’. Down to earth, directly applicable in daily life. Every step and every change, no matter how small, is a step in the right direction.

All Klooker challenges have the same setup. First, you will take a short quiz to determine how sustainably and ethically you are living, and then you’ll get advice, tips and tricks - and where possible member discounts to help make living sustainably a little easier ✌🏻.

How it works?

You will get 1 mail every day for 5 days, that requires about 10-15 minutes to study and work on. That’s it. Hopefully by the end of each challenge you will have learned something new, made some positive changes, and had fun!

Tip: let your family and friends know about your sustainable and ethical journey. Perhaps they can join you, together you’ll have a greater impact!